Jean Cassidy Art • Printmaking

Printmaking is the most freeing of all the mediums I have tried.

There is a point in the process where I must let go of control and let the mystery of the press take over. Monotypes are my favorite form of printmaking.

How a Monotype is Made

Paint or ink is applied to a rigid surface. I use plexiglass and I sometimes add stencils or rice paper to that painted surface.  A dampened piece of paper is placed on top of the painted plexiglass and then run through a press.  The pressure of the press, the dampness of the paper, the amount of pigment, the humidity of the room will all influence what happens next.  At this point, there is nothing I can do but wait and see what happens as the paper runs through the press and is lifted from the plate.  This is the moment of amazing anticipation and mystery.

Printmaking has taught me to let go of expectations and to enjoy the process.

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Oil Paintings


Mixed Media